Thursday, September 24, 2009

Home Economics

Thursdays almost always include home economics. You all know what that means, right? Yep, you got it. Cleaning and straightening up the house! Since we're at church every Thursday morning and find it difficult to settle into textbook material when we get home, we usually spend this day working around the house. We learn a lot about organization...and implementing it. After all, what good is having a place for everything if you don't put everything in its place?

In Bible study, we are learning about what revival means. The most important thing to try to grasp in these first few weeks is the splendor of God. He alone is magnificent. He alone can fill a room with His glory. Who are we to question His ways? All we truly need is Him. All else falls short of His glory and majesty. So, when I'm tired and weary, I go to Him. When I want to yell, I shout to Him. When things seem chaotic and I can't remember which way I'm going, I go to Him. Only God can provide rest, patience, and peace. Only God!

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